How to kick start your meditation

Happy Friday!
Part two of my meditation series is here, thanks for checking it out 🙂 

Meditation does not have to be complicated! I think a huge reason why people do not practice it is because it sounds hard or complex, too time consuming or intense. so that we can pause and control what we are letting in and letting out. 

Meditation can be more intense if that is the practice you chose! I will actually share a more intense meditation experience with you later on, however, the simplicity of meditation is extremely powerful and will shift something for you. 

Let’s begin by thinking about a meditation practice as a place where we can go, connect to the present moment and remain there intentionally. Meditation is a time and space where we accept where we are at, embrace what feelings and thoughts are coming up with authentic openness and without judgment. 

First of all, there is never a meditation experience that is considered “bad” or “wrong.” So, if you are worried about that – let it go! You will always see, feel and be connected to what you need in that moment. Perhaps, you may have a stressful and not calming meditation experience and that is OK, good for you for tuning in to all of that and being there for it. You might find your thoughts wandering, then good- let them come and go. This is a practice, remember? Trust your intuition and allow it to guide you. This is not about analyzing your thoughts or overthinking it, this is about asking yourself, what’s happening in my mind? Is this a thought? Or, is this a feeling? Big difference. I discuss the difference between thought and feeling more in this post, here

Regardless of your experience, the constant practice of mindfulness and connecting to your thoughts for longer than a single moment will ground you. This practice will offer a new kind of balance in your life and how you handle the experiences that come your way. 

Here are 5 ways to commit to mindful meditation in your everyday life: 


It is important that you find a space that makes you feel safe and warm. Perhaps this is a space that inspires you, nature or a cozy corner in your home. You can absolutely meditate in bed, however I like to suggest challenging yourself to meditate outside of your bed – only because I personally tend to fall asleep! If you can be warm and cozy and snug as a bug and that works for you, then great! Let this space be your consistent space while you are getting into the habit. Add elements like a few crystals, candles, plants and essential oils to elevate your experience and remind your mind that you designed this space for you. Create your meditation space how it feels best for you. Hot tip: keep a small journal in your space. Sometimes, insightful creative or challenging things come up in a meditation and it can feel good to process it in a few written words. 


Often the reason that things get pushed off our to-do list is because we don’t commit to a specific time to do them! I am totally guilty of this. Which is why high priority things need to have a non-negotiable time slot in your life. Start small, 5 minutes a day, morning or night – whenever it works for you. That 5 minutes becomes your meditation time and that is all. My times rotate, during the week, I meditate in the morning before I go about my day. On the weekends, I meditate before bed! If you are having trouble finding time in your day, ask yourself “what can I let go of?” Maybe you can spend 10 less minutes on your email, or 5 less minutes on social media. There is always room for adjustments if we are willing to make them!


Pick a person that you can trust to share your journey with. Think of this person as your accountability partner. Although you are having these experiences for yourself, it can be nice to open up about your journey! This person might end up encouraging you in ways that you didn’t even know. Let them know that you are trying something new and that you would really love their support along the way. 


If you are new to meditation, (or not!) I personally highly suggest the Headspace or Unplug app. Both of these are AMAZING meditation apps that make meditation so accessible, simple and friendly. They are literally designed for everyone! I use headspace at night and in the early mornings and I use Unplug when I am looking for something a little more spiritual (although they have something for whatever you need!)

If an app is not your thing or prefer an unguided experience, sit in silence or with some music. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Slow your breath down and count to four as your inhale, hold your breath for a count of four and then count to six as your exhale. Practice this for 5 minutes or longer. Be kind to your mind if it wanders, notice what you are feeling. Notice the smells and soft sounds around you. Tune in to what your body feels like in the space you are in. End your practice with gratitude and kindness. Ask yourself how that felt, what do you notice? 


Meditating with an intention in mind can be extremely enlightening. Is there something you are seeking clarity around? Something you are working on or letting go? Do you have an intention for something you want to call in? Bring your intention front of mind as you begin your meditation practice. Repeat it in your mind and ask the meditation to provide clarity as you let the intention go. Let your subconscious guide you. Trust it. Allow the meditation to show you whatever comes up. This is a great time to have your notebook handy! If you are working with a specific intention or seeking clarity, a little journaling post practice can really help you navigate what came up! 

Remember, your practice is your own! Let go of the comparison and have gratitude for your own experience. 

Let me know how you commit to meditation! Is there something that has really worked for you? I would love to know! 

You are so loved! xoxo

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  • Aria Martin says:

    You have such a unique ability to make your community feel supported and cared for. I loved this post so much!! I definitely need to commit to a time for meditation so it can become a non negotiable. I love the tip on setting an intention… I’ve actually never done that with a meditation specifically but I’m inspired!! Thank you for lighting up the world with your posts… feels like such a safe and open space 🙂

  • Clea says:

    You have such a unique ability to make your community feel supported and cared for. I loved this post so much!! I definitely need to commit to a time for meditation so it can become a non negotiable. I love the tip on setting an intention… I’ve actually never done that with a meditation specifically but I’m inspired!! Thank you for lighting up the world with your posts… feels like such a safe and open space 🙂

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